

As much as we love the process of coding and analytics, what we are most proud of is what we’ve done for our clients and the analytics community.

Below is a selection of our favorite client success stories and community events.

Client Projects

Multiple Sclerosis RWD Study

Partnering with Atara Bio to better understand active and nonactive progressive multiple sclerosis, using Real-World health records in the United States.

Blog Posts

RWD Cohort builder

Partnering with PicnicHealth to enable cross-functional teams to create custom clinically relevant cohorts from complex RWD in minutes.

Data Harmonization

Helping SpringHealth free 2 FTEs of manual work by automating data ingestion, harmonization, and reporting processes.

Community Events

R / Pharma 2022 workshop on robust RWD analytics

Contributing to the R/Pharma conference with a workshop showing how to derive robust insights form real-world health care data.