RWD Cohort builder
Case Study
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90% of all analytics projects start with the question “How many people are in our database that satisfy a specific set of clinical and observational criteria?” Can you help us find a way to reduce the amount of time it takes us to answer these questions from weeks to minutes?

Key Results

🏦 80% Time savings in responding to sales requests

󰟆 0 Lines of code required to create customized patient cohorts

💯 100+ hours saved of quantitative sciences development time


An industry leading provider of patient-centered real world data, needed tools to generate

bespoke patient cohorts. Cohort specifications required both disease-specific and disease-independent criteria. Both coders (quantitative scientists and engineers) and non-coders (commercial and marketing)

users. Must ensure high levels of data quality and appropriateness for any given research project.


Met with stakeholders to identify scope in terms of usability, speed, and functionality. Surveyed the team’s code base to understand what existing work could be leveraged. Designed, prototyped, and iterated solutions based on cross-functional team feedback.


An R package providing a simple code-first interface for users to generate a bespoke one-row-per-patient cohorts. A web-based no-code dashboard enabling point-and-click access to key package features. User documentation, end-to-end templates and guides and a company-wide demonstration of the tools’ capabilities.

Business Impact

The quantitative sciences team was freed from hundreds of hours of impending development time. Teams were enabled to quickly generate answers to client questions live during client meetings that would have otherwise required days of resourcing. A vision for a new future client-facing product leveraging the “RWD cohort builder” was born.